Musornas inspiration
Tempelprästinnan arbetar för fullt och mycket lustfyllt med de inspirerande musorna… Elixir, roman, alkemiska salonger och mycket annat är under tillblivelse tack vare musornas inspirerande sång och poesi.
ATTEND Musæus to my sacred song,
And learn what rites to sacrifice belong.
Jove I invoke, the earth, and solar light,
The moon’s pure splendor, and the stars of night;Thee Neptune, ruler of the sea profound,
Dark-hair’d, whose waves begirt the solid ground;Ceres abundant, and of lovely mien,
And Proserpine infernal Pluto’s queenThe huntress Dian, and bright Phœbus rays,
Far-darting God, the theme of Delphic praise; 10
And Bacchus, honour’d by the heav’nly choir,
And raging Mars, and Vulcan god of fire;
The mighty pow’r who rose from foam to light,
And Pluto potent in the realms of night;
With Hebe young, and Hercules the strong, 15
And you to whom the cares of births belong:
Justice and Piety august I call,
And much-fam’d nymphs, and Pan the god of all.
To Juno sacred, and to Mem’ry fair,
And the chaste Muses I address my pray’r; 20
The various year, the Graces, and the Hours,
Fair-hair’d Latona, and Dione’s pow’rs;
Armed Curetes, household Gods I call,
With those who spring from Jove the king of all:
Th’ Idæan Gods, the angel of the skies,
And righteous Themis, with sagacious eyes;
With ancient night, and day-light I implore,
And Faith, and Justice dealing right adore;
Saturn and Rhea, and great Thetis too,
Hid in a veil of bright celestial blue:
I call great Ocean, and the beauteous train
Of nymphs, who dwell in chambers of the main;
Atlas the strong, and ever in its prime,
Vig’rous Eternity, and endless Time;
The Stygian pool, and placid Gods beside,
And various Genii, that o’er men preside;
Tempelprästinnan 2012-01-17